Catherine is a channeled healer, psychic, medium and artist.

She has worked with individuals throughout the world and haunted spaces throughout the country.

She passionately believes in the perfection and magnificence of each individual’s soul and journey, and empowerment through the lens of self-love.

“It’s very special to be entrusted with someone’s journey through life. I cannot begin to describe the joy I experience doing this work.” ~ Catherine

If you are curious, simply exploring, ready for more information, or want to jump into limitless possibilities, trust. Trust that you were guided here.


  • Why we are empaths, psychics, mediums, channels
  • Using and enhancing our abilities
  • Setting healthy boundaries

Catherine's Art

Her welding style is self-taught, brazing copper wire and sheet copper into sculptures that explore our emotional landscapes. Catherine’s spirit guides provide inspiration and technical support.

Catherine’s art carries the energy and intention of her spiritual practice and offers a journey of love and empowerment.

A Heart’s Journey

These heart-shaped pieces are embedded with a message from Spirit…

You are here to be you.
Every choice and experience is about learning and growing.
There are no mistakes.
You are never judged.
Even when you feel broken, your heart remains whole.
You are loved. Unconditionally.

A Heart’s Journey

These heart-shaped pieces are embedded with a

message from Spirit…

You are here to be you.
Every choice and experience is about learning and growing.
There are no mistakes.
You are never judged.
Even when you feel broken, your heart remains whole.
You are loved. Unconditionally.

Art Gallery

let there be love

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